UCG Newsletter August
Dear members, dear regional representatives, dear Unimog friends,
the summer offers everything at the moment, from wind and rain to sunshine. So nothing stands in the way of agricultural work, restoring the best piece of equipment, holidays or Sunday outings with the Unimog and MB-trac.
Membership status
As of 26/7/23, the highest membership number assigned was 12,403 and the number of members is 8,244.
Booklet in English and German language
As announced in issue 118, from issue 119 onwards it will also be published in English. Members in Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Liechtenstein and South Tyrol will continue to receive the German edition. Members in all other countries will receive the English edition. If you live abroad and would like to continue receiving the German edition, please send a message to mitgliederverwaltung@unimog-club-gaggenau.de. Automatic subscription to both language versions is not possible. However, the magazines can be purchased via the Club Shop.
Digital ClubCard
From now on, the membership card is also available in digital form. Instructions on how to create your membership card can be found in the link below. By the way: From 01.01.2025, the ID cards will only be available in digital form.
New Club Unimog
The UCG’s vehicle fleet has grown, a U 5023.
Model: U 5023
Year of manufacture: 2023
Engine: OM 934
Special features: Double cab with
Full equipment
Photo: Klaus Lukas
A request from the DLRG Cuxhaven aroused our interest. The local group owns four Unimogs, which are used for tidal flat rescue. However, expensive repairs make the everyday life of the rescue workers more difficult. The call for help from the north went to the board of the Unimog Club. Without further ado, it was decided to use the donations collected at the annual meeting from the rides in the club Unimog and the two Unimogs of the Rhine-Main Regional Group for this purpose. The sum was rounded up by the UCG and thus the lifesavers could be happy about a donation of 1,000 Euros, which helped to make the Unimog in Cuxhaven fit again for their missions. We wish you a peaceful service!
Photos: André Schurig
Would you also like to support DLRG Cuxhaven? Then donate to the following account number:
Holder: DLRG OG Cuxhaven e.V.
IBAN: DE64 2415 0001 0000 1967 90
Subject: Donation campaign Unimog-Club Gaggenau
Sticker Annual Meeting Aufenau
We still have some remaining stickers “Aufenau 2023” from this year’s annual meeting. You can order them in the club shop for 1,00 Euro plus shipping. We will donate the proceeds of this sale.
Here is the link to the club shop:
UVC Meeting
The annual meeting of the UVC took place this year from 06-10 July in Bruchhausen/Vilsen. We were there with the new Club Unimog and our sales trailer. It was an interesting event with many nice programme items. This meeting was organised by the Mittelweser regional group, which is also the regulars’ table of the UVC.
Photos: Klaus Lukas
The Regional Group in Austria organised its annual outing in July with a rich social programme. A part of the board followed the invitation of the regional representative René Dick. A detailed report can be found in the September issue of Unimog-Heft`l.
Photo: Matthias Hirsch
Upcoming events
Excursion with the Gaggenau Lebenshilfe
Newsletter August 2023 Last year was the kick-off and this year the repeat. On 22.10. we will organise a Unimog excursion for people with disabilities. Driving through the Murgtal and the Black Forest as a co-driver is a dream come true. If you are available to drive your Unimog on that day, please contact the office(info@unimog-club-gaggenau.de or Tel: 07222-8089938).
Annual meeting of the Unimog Club Italia
The Unimog Club Italy will hold a meeting in Mandello del Lario in September. A rich programme with excursions and sightseeing is planned. All information can be found on the homepage of the Unimog Club Italy
Vesperset for 20,00 Euro
The outdoor season is open. What is perfect for this is a “UCG Vesperset”, consisting of a wooden board and a beer glass, both with UCG logo. For 20.00 euros, you don’t have to miss out on the fascination of the Unimog during the break.
Vesperset – Unimog-Club Gaggenau e. V. (unimog-club-gaggenau.de)
Special exhibition MB-trac
The MB-trac went into series production on 01 July 1973. Reason enough for the Unimog Museum to commemorate the history, the further development and finally the end of production of this Mercedes tractor in a special exhibition. Not only all MB-trac series, but also some predecessors of the MB-trac, such as the famous OE agricultural tractor from Daimler-Benz from 1928, will be on display in the museum.
Visit the exhibition during opening hours from Tuesday to Sunday from 10:00 to 17:00. As a UCG member, you get free admission when you show your ClubCard. This is also possible digitally (see above).
22.-24.09.2023 Meeting Unimog Club Italy Mandello del Lario
22.10.2023 Life Aid Action Gaggenau