News englisch

Reopening of the Unimog Museum on 28 January 2023

The new Unimog Museum opens at the end of January with opening weekend
Almost two years of construction, repeated delays due to material and tradesmen bottlenecks, cost explosion in almost all areas – all this will be forgotten when the Unimog Museum in Gaggenau reopens to visitors on the last weekend in January 2023.
Unimog and MB-trac show

With the genes of Sprinter & Co.: The Daimler motorised business vehicle of 1899
Did you already know? As a member of the Unimog Club Gaggenau, your “Mercedes-Benz ClubCard” membership card gets you into the Unimog Museum in Gaggenau for free – and into the Mercedes-Benz Museum in Stuttgart. The Stuttgart museum shows the history of trucks from the very beginning – therefore this time in view: the [...]

Merry Christmas and all the best for 2023
Many greetings from the board of the Unimog-Club Gaggenau e.V.

Franziska Cusumano appointed as new Head of Mercedes-Benz Special Trucks
Personnel change at Mercedes-Benz Trucks: Franziska Cusumano (33) will take over the responsiblity for the business unit Mercedes-Benz Special Trucks & Custom Tailored Trucks (CTT) starting December 1st, 2022. She succeeds Ralf Forcher (59) who will retire at the end of the year. In her new role she is in charge of the development, [...]

Production Anniversary: 20 Years of Unimog Production in Wörth
The Mercedes-Benz plant in Wörth is celebrating a special anniversary: the Unimog has been produced here for 20 years. After the vehicle had been manufactured at the sister plant in Gaggenau for many years, production of the universal engine-powered machine moved from Gaggenau to the Wörth plant in 2002. As a so-called special truck [...]